Direct Mail and Event Marketing
Research shows that while Hispanics consume every type of media, they do seem to have a special attraction to television and radio. Nevertheless, the air-time used to identify a product or service at an in-depth level is typically too brief and too incomplete to be effective, thus the "sale" will not be closed. However, the combination of direct mail, broadcast and print makes it possible for the Hispanic consumer to obtain additional information and "close the sale" -- with each medium contributing to the total communication story.

Direct Response Marketing
  • The process of acculturation influences the Hispanic consumer's perception of direct marketing. While most consumers in the general market dismiss direct marketing materials as junk mail, Latinos -- particularly recent immigrants -- welcome it as a means of becoming a more informed consumer.
  • Overall, Hispanic households are 3.5 times more likely to respond to a direct mail solicitation than a non-Hispanic household;
  • 72% say they always read their mail, including direct marketing;
  • 60% of the direct mail sent to homes is in English;
  • 52% of the respondents speak only Spanish in their homes.

Event Marketing

Events create excitement, reinforce image, and allow you to hand-deliver your marketing message face-to-face with your target audience. However, many company's efforts at selling themselves are limited to sponsoring the occasional Cinco de Mayo celebration -- these half-hearted efforts will not effectively capture the attention of Hispanic consumers.